Whales Investment is committed to the highest standards of the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF). To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person opening an account
Money laundering – the process of converting funds, received from illegal activities (such as fraud, corruption, terrorism, etc.), into other funds or investments that look legitimate to hide or distort the real source of funds.
The process of money laundering can be divided into three sequential stages:
Whales Investment adheres to the principles of Anti-Money Laundering and actively prevents any actions that aim or facilitate the process of legalizing of illegally gained funds. AML policy means preventing the use of the company’s services by criminals, with the aim of money laundering, terrorist financing or other criminal activity.
To prevent money laundering, Whales Investment neither accepts nor pays cash under any circumstances. The company reserves the right to suspend any client’s operation, which can be regarded as illegal or, may be related to money laundering in the opinion of the staff.
Company Procedures
Whales Investment will make sure that it is dealing with a real person or legal entity. Whales Investment also performs all the required measures in accordance with applicable law and regulations, issued by monetary authorities. The AML policy is being fulfilled within Whales Investment by means of the following:
Know Your Customer and Due Diligence
Because of the company’s commitment to the AML and KYC policies, each client of the company has to finish a verification procedure. Before Whales Investment starts any cooperation with the client, the company ensures that satisfactory evidence is produced or such other measures that will produce satisfactory evidence of the identity of any customer or counterparty are taken. The company as well applies heightened scrutiny to clients, who are residents of other countries, identified by credible sources as countries, having inadequate AML standards or that may represent a high risk for crime and corruption and to beneficial owners who resides in and whose funds are sourced from named countries.
Individual clients
During the process of registration, each client provides personal information, specifically: full name; date of birth; country of origin; and complete residential address. The following documents are required in order to verify the personal information: A client sends the following documents (in case the documents are written in non-Latin characters: to avoid any delays in the verification process, it is necessary to provide a notarized translation of the document in English) because of the requirements of KYC and to confirm the indicated information:
Corporate clients
In case the applicant company is listed on a recognised or approved stock exchange or when there is independent evidence to show that the applicant is a wholly owned subsidiary or a subsidiary under the control of such a company, no further steps to verify identity will normally be required. In case the company is unquoted and none of the principal directors or shareholders already has an account with Whales Investment, the following documentations must be provided:
Monitoring of client activity
In addition to gathering information from the clients, Whales Investment continues to monitor the activity of every client to identify and prevent any suspicious transactions. A suspicious transaction is known as a transaction that is inconsistent with the client’s legitimate business or the usual client’s transaction history known from client activity monitoring. Whales Investment has implemented the system of monitoring the named transactions (both automatic and, if needed, manual) to prevent using the company’s services by criminals.
Record keeping
Records must be kept of all transaction data and data obtained for the purpose of identification, as well as of all documents related to money laundering topics (e.g. files on suspicious activity reports, documentation of AML account monitoring, etc.). Those records are kept for a minimum of 7 years after the account is closed.
Deposit and withdrawal requirements
All deposits and withdrawals on trading accounts held with Whales Investment the following strict requirements:
Measures taken
In cases of an attempt to execute transactions which Whales Investment suspects that are related to money laundering or other criminal activity, it will proceed in accordance with the applicable law and report suspicious activity to regulating authority.
Whales Investment reserves the right to suspend any client’s operation, which can be regarded as illegal or may be related to money laundering in the opinion of the staff. Whales Investment has complete discretion to temporarily block the suspicious client account or terminate an existing client relationship.
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